Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I guess posting every day in November caused a burn out in blogging for me. I would think about writing a new post from time to time, but felt there wasn't much to talk about in December. I was missing home even more than usual due to the holidays and my birthday. I did manage to have moments of Christmas joy... even if I was 2,000 miles away from home!

I cannot get over how cute these guys are. I've been keeping them fat with peanuts!

Our Christmas Self Portrait ;)

On the outside, looking in

I made lots and lots of sugar cookies for a Christmas party

Mike and I were twinsies for Christmas dinner @ a family friend's house

My Grinch of a hubby even made a snowman that waves to people as they drive by our house!

I am used to driving in the snow now. Technically, I don't drive in the snow since I wait it out until the snow plow comes to clear it and salt the roads ;p It was snowing on the way home from Christmas dinner and our car slid 3 times! It was scary, but I am glad Mike was driving because he handled it very well and managed to keep us safe.

We're looking forward to going to Chicago to celebrate NYE. I'm not sure what the exact plans are, but it should be fun if Mike is planning it. I am also counting down the days until my trip to California (10 more days)! I've been trying to plan how I am going to be able to see everyone in 3 different cities in just 2 weeks. There will be lots of running around, but it will be worth it!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

SNOW: Pros & Cons

It started to snow just a tiny bit last night (apparently, that is called a flurry... you learn something new every day). This morning, it really picked up. It was a nice way to bring in December my first year in Illinois. Although, I had two very opposite reactions...

Reaction 1: Happiness. I cranked up the Christmas music, turned on my lit wreath, lit an apple cinnamon candle, and got to work putting up Christmas decorations. It really felt like the holiday season seeing the snow from my window as I decorated.

Reaction 2: Sadness/Panic. The cold weather slowly crept up on me, so I got used to it. Seeing snow made the fact that I am 2,000 miles away from California abundantly clear. Somehow the snow made it real. Then visions of putting on 10 layers of clothing, scraping my windshield, and constantly scanning for black ice every time I drive popped into my head. I had a few errands to run today, but I decided to stay in to make Christmas cards and decorate the house. There was barely any snow (just a light dusting)... it was the idea of it that bothered me. I just need a little time to get familiar with driving in snow (I really am not a fan of change... it freaks me out) and I will be fine.

I think I'll enjoy the snow from inside for now. I'm going to have Mike give me a lesson in Driving in Snow 101 and I know I will feel much more confident!