Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I Like Mike

No, it's not Mike's birthday or our anniversary. It's just a random Wednesday, but I got to thinking about my favorite things about my awesome husband. In no particular order, here are my top ten reasons for loving Mike:

Mike is:

*Selfless: He told me that he would be okay with me going to California to be with my family on Christmas. I love my parents dearly, but Mike is my family and there is no way I could leave him alone on Christmas even if he says he doesn’t mind. I’ll visit my parents shortly after Christmas anyway!

*Smart: It takes him 5 minutes to do his homework and he does well in his classes. So jealous!

*Goofy: We tend to have a giggle fest once a day over something random. It’s totally cheesy, but that’s when I feel myself falling even more in love with him.

*Thoughtful: He turns up the heat on the thermostat every morning before he leaves for work so it’s nice and toasty in the house when I wake up.

*Supportive: He wants me to do whatever makes me happy. He always shows interest in my millions of craft projects and even lends a hand sometimes!

*Prepared: He always sees 10 steps ahead and has a plan for everything

*Dedicated: The man wakes up at 4:30 every morning so he can go to the gym before work.

*A Total Hottie: Let’s just say those daily 5 AM trips to the gym are paying off... BIG TIME ;D

*Hard-working: He does not know the meaning of a sick day (although, I think that’s a military thing)

*Passionate: Every once in a while he likes to give me a break from kitchen duty and he comes up with some amazing masterpieces. See exhibits A & B below…

Squishing roma tomatoes for homemade sauce (with olive oil infused with basil and garlic)

Watching all those episodes of Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations really paid off!

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